
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Funny Photo

This funny photo was in exchange for helping at an agility trial.  People who volunteered to work during the trial had the choice of a food coupon or a coupon for a free digital image from the photographer working the trial. What a great idea!!

Miss Leza sticking her tongue out!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Best Swimmer

The ol' gal still has what it takes, Leza enjoying this morning's swim...

 Well?? Would you throw it already!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tally Gray on Gray

Tally's turn, another gray on gray morning, water is still very warm.  The sad fact is the days are getting shorter already and before long our morning river visits will have to cease.  Till then we strive to take advantage of the mornings that are left!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fog & Frog

Beautiful mist on the water this morning liken to that of an old scary movie about swamp monsters.  But alas the only monster was the four legged Mudi kind. :-)  Unless you include the little frog we saw at the water's edge.  Mr. Nosh still splashes on his way to the bumper, but can bring it back with no problem..... go figure!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Very still on the water this morning. Miss Leza is the silent swimmer, rarely a bark... this can be very nice especially when one hasn't had any morning coffee yet!!!